Sunday, May 16, 2010

2012... THE END???

The End... I don't think so.

God clearly said that we (human beings and aliens and everything else that exists) will NOT know the time or date when Jesus will come back and clean house! That should tell you something about December "2012" and all the bogus myths that surround it...
In revelations it "says"... There will be a battle at Armageddon between Jesus and the devil.
So how on this EARTH can any of these (above) things happen if the world is destroyed in December 2012 by what scientists, astrologers and astronomers, the bishops and clerics and Nostradamus are saying???

... The "mythical" alignment of the sun which pin-points the end of time... oh no and shiver me timbers... The ancient Mayan myths and conspiracies and that ridiculous calendar... OH NO... "The guy who made that Mayan calendar probably just ran out of the rock his was carving it on to go past 2012". The Mayans; a civilization that doesn't exist anymore. They are extinct!
That doesn't speak too highly of "their" intelligence about anything now does it?

Want to know what's really going on... It's those pesky Time Travelers from our very near future...

God, more than likely "chased" the Time Travelers away from the Mayan times, and just as they were spouting out these ridiculous doomsday propaganda's and myths, and trying to figure out God's "perfect" and "undecipherable" plan of the universe.
Nostradamus' visions... were just hallucinations brought on by lack of sleep and too much solitude.

Who are you going to believe... God; a three thousand year old calendar which was carved by a "man"???... other "men and women" who call themselves, scientist. astronomer. astrologer. Nostradamus, etc., etc... Get real, better yet, get Truthful! One of these ways leads to happiness and joy... The other two lead to eternal torment.

Written by
Allistair E.T.


  1. Interesting message I must say so, very well written.

  2. yeah, i probably WOULD believe a scientist, even an astronomer, before i believed in god, a moldy ass rock, or nostradomus. although, if there were some time traveling aliens, i might believe them. because that would be amazing.

  3. Human beings and life did not just create itself and sprout up out of the ground like a vegetable. Even a vegetable does not create itself. The universe, the stars, the moon, the solar systems... even aliens... did not create themselves. If a human being wants to move a remote control from a dresser into their hand, something has to initiate the movement that creates...
